Archeage - Capturing World Bosses

In Archage you can capture world bosses as your pet. There are 6 world bosses you can capture.But, you will need to craft Legendary or Mythic Taming Net. Before you can cast your taming net the boss needs to be less than 10% health.

Legendary Taming Net

Vocation : Leatherwork
Workbench : Leather Workbench
Materials : Memory Ink x20, Fine Leather x15, Emerald x5, Ruby x5
Captures : Windlord (Lilyut Hills , Arcum iris)
                Farkrag the Wanderer (Gweonid Forest , Falcorth Plains)

Mythic Taming Net

Vocation : Leatherwork
Workbench : Leather Workbench
Materials : Memory Ink x20, Fine Leather x15, Topaz x5, Sapphire x5
Captures : Flamelord (Solis Headlands)
                Daruda the Watcher (Cinderstone Moor)
                Tarian the Grim (Dewstone Planes
                Harrod the Gatekeeper (Villanelle)

Each Boss has different skills as your pet. Here is the list :

Captured Daruda

 - Strong Blow
 - Health Regen
 - Welling Health
 - Absorb Life
 - Enraged Blow
 - Shred
 - Berserk
 - Rotation Attack

Captured Flamelord

 - Health Regen
 - Welling Health
 - Fire Pillar
 - Mana Protective Coat
 - Flame Barrier
 - Flame Cloak
 - Flame Space

Captured Harrod

 - Strong Blow
 - Health Regen
 - Welling Health
 - Enraged Blow
 - Throw Net
 - Frenzy
 - Berserk
 - Swing Strike

Captured Tairan

 - Health Regen
 - Welling Health
 - Guard Dog
 - Your Mother Was a Hamster
 - Overrun
 - Pull In
 - Crippling Mire
 - Redoubt
 - Gargoyle's Breath

Captured Wanderer

 - Health Regen
 - Welling Health
 - Guard Dog
 - Your Mother Was a Hamster
 - Pull In
 - Overrun
 - Redoubt
 - Toughen
 - Wave of Earth

Captured Windlord

 - Health Regen
 - Welling Health
 - Breeze
 - Wind Prison
 - Whirlwind
 - Crippling Mire
 - Wind Elemental Magic Circle

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